Rebuilding the Main Market

That gives me an idea also on how market listings could work as well. Thinking along the lines of WoW action places where you see a list of all items available to one side, however only 1 stack of that item. When you click the stack, you get the full list.

So you would see only 1 line of twigs. When clicked on you would see the 100 different sales of twigs.

The trash idea in the other post is handy. And also a minimum market fee of 1% would work but requires you to list something then at a minium value of 10coins to get that 1% to 1 coin. It could make sure those conditions are met.

A market owner could further adjust those fees and conditions.

I’ll do more research on all this anyway and figure it out by then. I really like how Eve Online do their markets.


3 posts were split to a new topic: [Idea] Market Stacks

I really think it a great idea, I am new at this system but you actually made a point. It best everyone including myself to stock as much as we can so we can have reliable items to show for. vs empty


Welcome to the community @Cellica_Ayashi - glad to have you here!

I thought this topic might interest you on what we are planning to do with the market system next:

Looking forward to having you with us long-term :slight_smile:

It funny you replied to me, while i was bouncing to different markets. And it feels like everything you said just happened to what I experienced now lol. Yes, that mini pop game/ or quiz def enhances the realistic of market. Making it more shall I say RP wise. Especially AFK. It gives seller a chance to get attention; and tells them. HEY are you there? There is a BUYER who want something. Are you alive? Lol. For Section # 3 not exactly know anything about large bag, or barrel. I just know empty market list. No point of having a market hub/stall there at all. For Section #4 The x number of supplies really does make a HUGE difference. If you’re trying to keep SL Colonies Balance Economically. Section # 5 HELL YA! That way to go! Section 6 # I have nothing else to say to that. Not enough experience in SL Colonies to feel and see the differences. Section 7 # I totally agree! Everything is a no brainer, and it new whole setup to SL Colonies, it will recover, and re-establish a new working system. And I like it a lot. Even if I had not experienced SL Colonies, I am going for it. Cause it WAY better than DFS and G&S. I have suffered too much from agonizing systems they provided. Too much of this and that. Unbalanced, L$ only that required for everything I am tired of it. Except for converting from L$ to SLC which is PERFECT and secured, anti-abuse on products for market sellers.