Farmers splitting into a Peasant class?

I think and agree a peasant/colonist profession/class, perhaps could be someone who gains a CXP as a laborer, gathering reeds for baskets, clay for pots and jars, … maybe, if you want to get fancy, split CXP with farmers if they help harvesting fields…

To the point of Farmers loosing CXP to a possible Artisan profession, I think it could be counter balanced in the growing of bamboo/sugar cane for cane-polls for Fishers, and possibly also industrial/newspaper-parchment for the “News Stand” idea. (Here: Parchment purposed with News Stand?)

I imagine bamboo not to need seeding so long as you leave a section of the field un-harvested… can you do that? If not, than I imagine using a bamboo clipping – gained from harvesting a bamboo field-- to be used like a seed for planting?

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