Thanks for your input Satanic,
We chose to release products not to increase the revenue stream but to keep our player base happy with the constant push for new material.
The current project that we have been focused on (the beds and furniture crafting system) is not one made to increase revenue, as it’s simply a change to what’s already existing, although we will have one new station to put the pieces together.
The following areas we are working on include
- brewery reform and butcher reform,
- marketplace reforms, and
None of the above increases our revenue, as they are changes to existing stations and products, and these take months of work to complete.
You’ve misinterpreted my meaning of pushing new products and features. And I will take this time to let the community know (some already know), that I’ve made $0 from developing this game with Drakkhis. Every L$ that goes towards my portion of the commission Drakkhis and I have agreed on still sits on my avatar in L$ and has never exited Second Life to form any real value in my real life. The money on that account has only been used towards charity events and any developmental needs, such as new script purchases and full-perm purchases that will help Drakkhis and development. I’ve put more than USD 10,000 of my money into the system and not made anything back in return, and I never expected to make money out of the system for my pockets.
When it comes to Patron support, that money goes 100% towards Drakkhis’ work for everything he does for us. I still pay all server costs (database, websites, forums) out of my pockets and not out of any Patron funds or product sales.
So please understand that when I say pushing products, new ideas and new features, we do it for you guys and not for my pockets.
I take offence to anyone thinking otherwise, and for someone to comment, “just someone working a full time job away from SL and making arbitrary decisions on a knee jerk reaction,” is just plain insulting.
I admit this sudden change on CXP should have been communicated with you all first. Drakkhis suggested I make a post about it before making the change. And looking back, it would have lessened the sudden frustration, but it is a needed change.
I’m glad you prefixed this statement with speculatively, as I’ve answered above most of this. However, I wouldn’t go as far as knowingly perpetuating or turning a blind eye. We have not had the time to sit and watch the database, and we do not see sales on the CXP store either. We rely on our players to let us know when something isn’t quite right and try to fix it, as we have.
Not going to comment on $$ rolling in, as that’s not who Drakkhis and I are. The last thing on our minds is making $. I set store prices to a certain amount to cover Drakkhis’ work. He’s been doing this for us out of the goodness of his heart and the love of this idea that is SL Colonies. There’s no getting rich from making an RPG game in Second Life. If that’s what we wanted, we’d be in the SL Fashion industry and Mesh Bodies. They are very different markets.
That is not a fair comment here. You’ve come into the game when composting was a thing with loads of CXP. Farmers are ‘still’ overpowered compared to the other professions. There’s already been plenty of discussion on these forums about how we can make further changes to the farming profession by splitting the role to balance things. Here are a couple of those posts:
There’s still work to be done in the profession. But before we hit the hammer a little more on the farmer role, we will look at making other professions, such as the Brewer and Butcher, more exciting and more involved simultaneously.
Viewing the role breakdown in our main store, you can also see the imbalance. For example, people choose to play as a farmer more than any other class because of the number of things they can do in that profession and the simplicity to level stats in that profession, earning its CXP compared to other professions’ grind requirements.
In saying that, it doesn’t mean we have to make the grind harder for the farmer to be aligned with the others. It may be a matter of making the grind easier for the other professions to come in line with the farmer and then increasing/decreasing the grind to be more straightforward/more complex among all professions as the player base continues to grow.
I feel your pain. If grinding and CXP are your purpose in the game.
That’s another problem we are solving. Our target market is RPG sims and roleplay. Our target market is not farming and grinding. Yes, farming and grinding and feeding players on that addiction could generate significant money for us, but those players can use G&S, DFS and all those other systems for that purpose, and on top of that, they can sell their end products for L$ and make something out of it.
We’ve chosen RPG sims, as that has died off in recent years in Second Life. Even the GorSL (Gorean RP) sims have all but died out. And we’re targeting that market area to build RP communities focused on lore, storylines and community interaction.
Don’t misinterpret this, either. We aren’t looking to ‘create’ the RP, as in, we aren’t going to be the ones providing the lore, storylines and rules - that is left to each individual sim to create. And if some sims wish to create their own RPG and link their stories and RP between zones, that is also purely up to them.
Yes, we will lose some players. Those who like to solo farm but not RP and love to grind and considered power players, and I am okay with that - as that’s just not us or our market. If you/they are bored, they will leave, but RPG sims and those focused on actual RP will slowly come in and build communities that will interact with each other - I have no doubt about that, and that’s my true vision.
Because this is the first time anyone has bothered to let us know of this fact. Thanks for letting us know.
As an experienced beta tester of AAA games, you would know that bugs require bug reports. This is one of those things that have yet to be reported. Probably because it is such a minor little thing that the majority of our player base does not wish to waste Drakkhis’ time just yet, while we complete the works we have planned to have our full list of promised products before polishing everything up to get out of beta
We do not run the main market in the store. Players place their items in there and ask for their prices. If someone wants to try to sell a single feather for 248 coins and someone is willing to pay that extravagant amount, that’s their choice.
We do not set the price/value for a particular market. It is player run entirely. You do not feel 248 coins is the value for a single feather (nor do I, considering they are easy enough to get), but someone might, or perhaps the person selling it, thinks it may be worth that much to them.
The market in the main store is not stocked by us, not seeded by us and not controlled by us in any way.
The Ranger class was created purely for it, and they have more benefits (and will have more) when used in PvP and Dungeoneering. In addition, their damage abilities with weapons are higher than any other profession, as their ranger level is considered on top of Strength and Dexterity to increase base weapon damage.
As is your choice and everyone else’s choice. Money is not our objective. I’ve made nothing and will continue to make nothing in terms of monetary. However, we will continue to receive satisfaction from creating this game and seeing where we can get it to go, and we will continue to enjoy doing so.