Unable to Rez Tool in this Region (again)

Today I kept getting the message “Unable to Rez tool in this Region, requesting tool from Server. Using Tool From Server.” I tried re-rezzing the server and got a new Hud, to no avail. After a few hours offline, I logged back into SL and the message is no longer appearing (after having been an issue all day), but now I am getting the same message on my second server on a different parcel even after re-rezzing the server.

When I rerezzed the server it said:
[18:34] [SLC] Region Server: OK|No update available
[18:34] [SLC] Region Server: {“result”:“OK”}
[18:34] [SLC] Region Server: server started
[18:34] [SLC] Region Server: Region Server Started

It’s not an urgent issue as we can still use our tools so no rush:)

It looks like that the server is rezzing the tool, but the Server might be on another parcle and Object Entery between the parcels may be turned off, so even though the server is rezzing the tool, the tool cannot move to the parcel you are on.

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On the second parcel, the server is at ground level while I am in the sky would that cause the issue?

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that is normal if you are on a parcel where you do not have rez rights, it allows people without rez rights to use tools

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Thank you! I currently have the parcel set to allow Object entry and scripts for all. What would be needed for the message to no longer appear? Not that it matters since everyone is still able to use their tools, just curious.

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to make sure you dont see the message you would either have to make sure your active group is set to the land rez group, or set Build to everyone in the Land Options


Thank you so much for your continued support and for putting up with my endless questions and issues!


Its not a problem at all, im glad to help

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The saying goes no dumb questions. Knowing everything would make life boring lol.


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