Thank you and farewell

First of all I would like to thank the Devs for putting up with - LOL!
I wish them nothing but the success with their System and hopefully an active community will evolve in the near future flourish.

Secondly I want to thank those of you who purchased my SLC assets. There are 6 compost bins remaining but they have been removed so if you want them, DM me.

After 17 years in SL I won’t be disappearing anytime soon. I will simply be focusing on another RP System with a much more active community. Follow me on Facebook if you want to see what I am up to on my sim :slight_smile:



All the best @Satanic.Visions - hope to see you back in the future :slight_smile:

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It was a happy coincidence, that I could inform a newcomer about your sale. She was happy about the stuff you offered. The ones come, the others leave: thats how life works. I wish you a great start into your new obligations!


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