🌟 Share Your SL Colonies Success Stories!

Hello, Colonists!

We’ve been thrilled to see so many of you taking advantage of our Founders Birthday Week Sale. Now, we’d love to hear about your experiences with your new purchases! :tada:

Did you add a new animal to your farm that’s now thriving? Have you set up a crafting station that’s boosted your productivity? Or perhaps you’ve discovered a new tool that’s made your Second Life journey even more enjoyable? Whatever your story, we want to hear it! :books:

Sharing your success stories not only helps us understand how our products are making a difference, but it also provides valuable insights and inspiration for other members of our community. Plus, it’s a great way to show off your creativity and the unique ways you’re using SL Colonies products! :star2:

To participate, simply reply to this post with your success story. Feel free to include any testimonials, reviews, or even user-generated content like photos or videos of you using the products. We can’t wait to read about your experiences! :camera_flash:

And remember, your story could be featured on our social media channels and website as a testimonial, helping to inspire others in our community. So don’t be shy, share your success today! :mega:

Thank you for being a part of our community and for making SL Colonies a part of your Second Life journey. We look forward to hearing your stories!

One can not upload videos to this platform: “Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, heic, heif, webp, avif).”

Hi @Satanic.Visions, thank you for bringing this to our attention. You’re right, our forum currently doesn’t support direct video uploads due to storage constraints. However, you can upload your video to YouTube and then share the link here. If you prefer the video not to be publicly visible on your YouTube channel, you can set it as ‘Unlisted’. This way, only people with the link (like our community here) can view it. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to seeing your video!

I don’t have a video. I tried uploading one a while back without success so this needed to be brought to your attention along with the need to proof read your LLM output :stuck_out_tongue:

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