Recent Changes and Updates Regarding the Old Markets

Greetings SL Colonies Community,

As you may have noticed, we’ve recently taken the step of disabling all old markets. This significant change has likely raised some questions and we are here to provide some insight and reassurance.

You might be concerned about the items you had listed for sale on these markets. We want to assure you that your investments have not been lost. Instead of refunding the listed items, we’ve chosen to pay out everyone in coins at the value at which the seller had listed the items. Consider it a bonus!

Moreover, any coins that were tied up in your requests have been refunded to you. We value the efforts you’ve put into earning your SLC Coins and we have made sure to return every single coin to your balance.

In addition, any unclaimed items or coins that were left in holding have also been refunded. We want to ensure no one experiences a loss as a result of these changes.

With these alterations, we have decided to disable our previous buy and sell order system. We are grateful for your understanding and patience as we navigate through these changes. We are always committed to enhancing the SL Colonies experience for all our players.

If these updates bring up any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist and ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved.

Thank you for your continuous support and for making this SL Colonies community incredible.

Warm Regards,
The SL Colonies Team

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