Odd message from trees again

Some time ago there was a discussion of trees here and I mentioned getting the message [14:23] [SLC] Tree 1 shouts: repeated clicks have caused this Item to Reset. I have got it again on all 4 of my trees and I know couple were due to cut, but nothing happened after I clicked it once getting above message. I noticed the trees became visible once I got the message. This happened few days ago and I waited since last time I got it it seemed to of been ok. However, the trees are unable to be chopped now and if I click more than once I reset it again so not sure if timer is resetting or what.

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I’m wondering if someone has come up to the trees and clicked them a bunch of times to cause them to error out.

They will likely become ready when they are supposed to become ready for chopping.

@drakkhis can you assist here? This is the second time it’s happened to trees for some people.

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I will take a look at it on my live stream today.

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Wanted to keep you posted that indeed 2 of the trees are ready to cut now so guessing they are fine, but it may still be something needing checked.

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