The spinning wheel is now available for purchase in our main store.
It is one of 4 new stations coming out for the new profession which will be known as a Seamstress.
The spinning wheel
With the spinning wheel, you can bring wool and cotton to make it into strings. The other station’s that will work along with the spinning wheel is a dye station that will dye wool and cotton various colours to make into different colour strings. After creating strings, there will be a station to turn these strings into patterned materials.
The string and the materials will make rugs, pillows, bed sheets, table cloths, cushions and even clothing. These will be made in a sewing style table setup for the seamstress and be a higher level craft for that profession.
Check out the video:
Check out the docs:
The SLColonies Team
I notice that some items do not memorize the recipes, and do not accept more than one item to be produced, which causes fatigue in having to use so many clicks. at the moment I point out this one, Spinning Weel and the Wine Press. Pottery Table accepts recipe, memorizes, and produces several units at once.
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Spinning wheel doesnt do crafting. That’s a mini-game to sharpen your weapons.
Wine press remembers recipes but only if you are brewer profession.
The pottery is remembering recipes for you because you are a farmer profession.
You will only gain experience and remember recipes for doing crafting in stations that belong to your profession.
That is how this game has been designed. You cannot be every profession at once.
The farmer has fields, pottery, basket making, animal breeding, flour mill, compost bin.
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[SLC] Craftables :: Spinning Wheel is the one that works the wool and cotton. But ok, I get it, I’m not a seamstress. Thanks.
Oh sorry I thought sharpening wheel.
Spinning wheel is Seamstress