[NEW] Colony System

The Colony System has been released!

**NOTE: **If you are a Region Server owner, you DO NOT need to purchase this product. It comes as part of the package for free.

Anyone else that wishes to create their own Colony or Faction/Family/Clan etc, the Colony System is an addon that allows you to do so.

You can only lead 1 colony per avatar and only be a member of 1 colony at a time.
The system allows you to manage your own users, give them special titles and give custom names to professions and races to suit your own lore and RPG.

You can view the video here:

This product is available under the essentials section of our store for L$250 and is copy, modify, no transfer. Feel free to move certain aspects of the sign in to your own designs to suit your theme.


Here it was explained how to change the owner’s title, but a second person doesn’t appear in the available field, so I can’t edit it. “Colonist” is fixed.

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