Charisma & Merchant Bonuses

What is the maximum charisma limit to receive bonuses? I stopped at a certain value and never left. thanks.

if there are no limits, there is a bug, or some hidden rule. I leveled up 4 times using cxp, I used the 4 points to increase my charisma, but nothing in the merchant bonus increased. thanks.

  • Current player level is the total of all Class levels Plus 1
    1000 CXP cost to change your Class
    500 CXP to change your Race
    Farmer 2 + Merchant 19 + Plus 1 = 22
    Current Player Level is 15, that’s what is displayed and valid for my Merchant, so it’s wrong.

Sorry f9rthe late reply,ghereis a hard cap on themerchant bonus, it accounts the level, and the charisma bonus. I cant remember off the top of my head what the cap is though

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ok, so 25% is the limit that was not communicated before. I wasted 4 points in charisma, could this be corrected, obviously not lowering myself from 25%? I dedicated myself a lot to my Merchant. thanks.

keeping it at the top for relevance regarding the profession in question that deserves to be clarified.

keeping it at the top for relevance regarding the profession in question that deserves to be clarified.

I am just adding a note here @axelnaxos2008 that Charisma will not be limited to merchant use but will also be beneficial in our questing system. We are thinking along the lines of greater quest completion rewards and such.

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