About the Firefox browser

Would anyone know why my Firefox does not open the recipes?

Edge and Chrome ok

Thank you @TemujinCalidius , I’m trying, without success so far, but I’ll continue…

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Dears @drakkhis and @TemujinCalidius Is this symbol that keeps turning a Unity plugin?

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I dont think I understand, The Website does not use unity at all, just the In SL Apps

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I’m looking to make firefox open the recipes, and I came across the information that it wouldn’t work with Unity anymore 5 years ago. I’m a layman, so I asked if it made sense…
qual versão do firefox ainda suporta o plugin unity ? preciso do unity para jogar online. | Fórum de suporte - Firefox | Suporte Mozilla portuguese forum

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Ahh Yes, that was quite some time ago, and Unity does now work in Firefox, there have been alot of changes since then.


If you are looking to an alternative to Edge and Chrome, I would suggest Brave Browser https://brave.com It is actually very secure and faster than even Firefox.

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I installed it here, I’m testing it, the first impressions are excellent! thanks for the tip! :clap:

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