NEW Basketweaving Station is now Available

That’s how the updater worked! All scripts updated without swapping the object! Very good @drakkhis ! Congratulations!

[10:36:53] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: Starting Update Process
[10:36:54] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: station = Basketweaving SLCBR
Script = Complex Menu Script
Location = [Teleport to X (180,26,800)]
[10:36:54] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: starting update for Basketweaving SLCBR
[10:36:58] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: Basketweaving SLCBR:
Complex Menu Script v0.15.2: updated
[10:36:58] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: station = Basketweaving SLCBR
Script = SLC_Crafting_Controler
Location = [Teleport to X (180,26,800)]
[10:36:58] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: starting update for Basketweaving SLCBR
[10:37:00] Basketweaving SLCBR: station Initialized
[10:37:02] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: Basketweaving SLCBR: SLC_Crafting_Controler v0.15.2: updated
[10:37:02] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: station = Basketweaving SLCBR
Script = SLC_Crafting_Gather
Location = [Teleport to X (180,26,800)]
[10:37:02] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: starting update for Basketweaving SLCBR
[10:37:06] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: Basketweaving SLCBR: SLC_Crafting_Gather v0.15.2: updated
[10:37:07] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: station = Basketweaving SLCBR
Script = SLC_Crafting_Process
Location = [Teleport to X (180,26,800)]
[10:37:07] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: starting update for Basketweaving SLCBR
[10:37:11] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: Basketweaving SLCBR: SLC_Crafting_Process v0.15.2: updated
[10:37:11] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: station = Basketweaving SLCBR
Script = SLC_Crafting_Station
Location = [Teleport to X (180,26,800)]
[10:37:11] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: starting update for Basketweaving SLCBR
[10:37:12] Basketweaving SLCBR: Station Initialized! Required Role is Farmer
[10:37:12] Basketweaving SLCBR: Station Initialized! Required Energy is 5
[10:37:12] Basketweaving SLCBR: Station Initialized! Required Tools are billhook
[10:37:12] Basketweaving SLCBR: Station Initialized! Required Tool Use Amount is 1
[10:37:15] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: Basketweaving SLCBR: SLC_Crafting_Station v0.15.2: updated
[10:37:15] SLC_Crafting_Updater v0.15.2 Rez and Click: Updates Finished
[10:37:20] Basketweaving SLCBR: Update Cleanup
[10:37:20] Basketweaving SLCBR: Cleanup Complete.
Re initializing Station
[10:37:20] Basketweaving SLCBR: Station ReInitialized
[10:37:21] Basketweaving SLCBR: Station Initialized! Required Role is Farmer
[10:37:21] Basketweaving SLCBR: Station Initialized! Required Energy is 5
[10:37:21] Basketweaving SLCBR: Station Initialized! Required Tools are billhook
[10:37:21] Basketweaving SLCBR: Station Initialized! Required Tool Use Amount is 1

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Thank you, and im glad we have a Much better update system


It will definitely be a much better way to update our SLC inventory - Thank you. But does the Updater need to be 7 LI? I would think a single prim would suffice :slight_smile:

1 Like

Doesn’t matter. It’s something you have on land temporarily and pick up as soon as done. Really has no effect.

LOL LI impact always has an effect :stuck_out_tongue:

I understand the temp nature of its functionality but one still has to rez a 7 LI item…

So playing devil’s advocate: For most us, especially those with sims, this may not be an issue but for some players who have smaller parcels and are struggling with their object capacity limit [I remember my early days of owning parcels, there were never enough prims and I was always maxed out] I just think a single prim updater would make for a more practical, universally accessible item. And as you say, it is temporary, so it really doesn’t have to be fancy design piece. But hey that’s just my thoughts on the matter.


I will Make it 1LI, That one is just a Temp thing I put it in to play with. i will make a 1LI Mesh to put it in


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